CrossFit PTC – WOD
Metcon (No Measure)
15 Minute alternating EMOM of:
Min 1 – 5 dumbbell thrusters 50/35#
Min 2 – 3-5 toes to bar
Min 3 – 15-25 double unders (50 single unders)
***This is a chance for those doing the CrossFit Open 20.2 on Sunday to practice the movements, and to get a feel for the transitions. DO NOT rip your hands, and use the appropriate scaling options if needed.
***If you are not doing the open workout, feel free to bump the reps up slightly for each movement.
Metcon (Distance)
On a 20 minute running clock, alternating with a partner:
250/200m row
**score is total meters completed (use the same rower)
***Maintain a hard pace the entire time, but keep form solid (chain should be flat)
****If completing solo, rest 1:1 between intervals.