CrossFit PTC – WOD
Deadlift (Work to heavy set of 5 for the day)
Alternating EMOM for 14 minutes of:
Min 1 – 5 deadlifts
Min 2 – :30 max effort handstand push ups (scale to regular push ups/ box push ups/ pike push ups)
*Start light on the deadlifts, about 50% or so, and add weight each set if form stays perfect.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
5 rounds of – :30 on, :30 off
– Jumping lunges
– double dumbbell power clean 35/20# (it is okay to just touch one head of each db to the ground each rep)
– double dumbbell push press 35/20#
RX+ 50/35#
RX55+ 30/15#
**so do :30 lunges, rest :30, :30 cleans, rest :30, :30 push press, rest :30 x 5 rounds