Fantastic Friday Workout

CrossFit PTC – WOD

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Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

15 Minute Alternating EMOM of:

– 12 wall balls 20/14#

– 8 burpees

– 20 double unders (50 singles)

RX+ 15 wall balls, 12 burpees, 35 double unders
Scale to a number of reps that takes no more than 35-40 seconds. If you finish all 15 minutes you get 15 points.

Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

4 sets of:

1:00 max effort dumbbell push press 50/35#

1:00 behind the neck PVC pipe shoulder press. Yes, seriously just a PVC pipe. Press fast! I can tell you are skeptical, just wait…

2:00 rest

***use a weight that you can complete atleast 10 consecutive reps.
Score is total number of push presses + total number of pvc pipe presses. For pvc pipe press to count, you must reach full lockout overhead and touch your back on the way down each rep.


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