CrossFit PTC – Barbell Club
(No Measure)
Light stretching on your own prior to class
Start class Immediately focusing on technique (10 minutes to complete)
5 Snatch Pulls Above Knee
5 Snatch Pulls Below Knee
5 Hang Power Snatch
5 SOTS Press
5 Good Mornings
A: Hang Snatch (From Knee 1X3 @ 60-70-80-90-80% of Snatch)
90% should be close to a 3 rep max. Complete set of 3 hang snatch then immediately do 3 RDLs at same weight. Complete by 6 PM.
B: Romanian Deadlift (1X3 @ 60-70-80-90-80% of Snatch)
Snatch (For % only)
Metcon (Time)
Start by 6:05 PM outside.
Complete for time:
KBS (70/44)
*25 Meter Shuttle Run
*Perform one 25m shuttle run between each round of KBS. No rest between rounds.
(No Measure)
Last 10 minutes of class should be stretching with focusing on shoulders with hamstrings using bands testing maximum ROM.